Processional Cross, Junior Size
Our Processional Crosses are custom designs, handmade from premium hardwoods with hand-rubbed stain finishes. Each includes a turned, weighted base for upright storage when not in use. We use a 1 1/4" diameter pole and the cross may be removable or permanently affixed to the top pole.
This Processional Cross is junior sized at 72" tall with a 14" x 10" cross and it's made from red oak. The cross is finished with gold leaf and red to compliment altar colors; the pole and stand have a clear, natural polyurethane finish. The stand is weighted to approximately 15 lbs for stability, the cross is permanently affixed to the top pole and the full pole is separable into two sections by a solid brass screw joint. Please contact Trevor Floyd & Company to request a quote for your Processional Cross.